Queen'scroft High School

Behaviour for learning

Good behaviour is key to a good education. Here at Queen's Croft High School, we provide our students with a calm and orderly place to learn. The positive and nurturing relationships between staff and students very much sets the ethos and culture within our school.


We have three core behaviour for learning principles (rules) which we refer to as KERC:

  • We expect everyone to show Kindness
  • We expect everyone to Engage in Learning
  • We expect everyone to show Resilience and Courage 

Queen's Croft is proud to have created a culture where students and staff flourish and this culture is set by the governors and leaders of our school. Staff are guided, supported and trained to make sure that they collectively embed this school culture, upholding the schools’ behaviour policy at all times and responding to misbehaviour consistently and fairly.

As part of our curriculum, pupils are taught at an appropriate level to their needs, what good behaviour looks like. Some pupils will need additional support to reach the expected standard of behaviour.

 Queen's Croft High School promotes Readiness for Learning throughout our curriculum and the school day.  We provide an environment which fosters students’ achievements, talents and interests and ensure they have the knowledge and skills to be ready for the wider world.

 Link to Positive Behaviour Policy